Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Late March

Once again, these pictures are out of order, but the progress all blurs together in my memory too. The above picture was take just a few days ago. It shows the rear cockpit with the seat base in place. It also shows the dashboard in place, nicely secured to the back of the centerboard case and to the fir side rails. They should give great arm rests as well as places to secure blocks and deflect the waves.
This picture was taken at the same time as the first one in this entry. But looking aft from in front of the front cockpit. It also shows just a bit of the front dash board.
This shows the rear of the main hull. Instead of installing a plastic hatch cover, I made my own. It is framed in below deck to give the deck extra strength. I don't think much water will rush back there, so a much smaller screw-on hatch cover hardly seemed necessary. This should also give much better access to that area.
I could no longer work in the inner shop. The doorway was barely able to fit this hull. Next to go on were those side shelves and the dashboards. Time to re-pot this plant!
The amas were due to be connected to the beams so I moved them (with help) to the second car port and lined everything up with measured lines sprayed onto the floor. Because the mounting areas of the beams are canted, I rolled them onto their backs so I would have flat and level areas to work with.
It is getting very exciting now. Today's job is to finish the interior of the main hull forward of the front cockpit so I can install the front deck. After that, I will be busy rounding corners, filling and sanding.